Applying for observing time
Applications for observing time
Period: new yearly cycle!
October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025
We have received 22 proposals!
The accepted proposals are listed here
The next call for proposals is expected in April 2025
Proposal types & observing modes
NEW! Large Programmes (LPs): total requested time ≥ 200hrs, split over several periods
Normal Observing Programmes (NP): total requested time ≤ 199hrs
Short observing programmes for young scientists (SP-young): total requested time ≤ 50hrs
Target of opportunity (ToO)
Discretional Director Time (DDT): total requested time ≤ 20hrs
ToO includes unpredictable astronomical events that require immediate observations, and known transient phenomena.
DDT proposals can be submitted anytime, for urgent and high-impact science cases or pilot projects.
Observations are executed in Service Mode (SM). For NPs, slots of Visitor Mode (VM) can also be requested.
For SP-Young, observations of the first ranked project can be executed in VM, and travels and lodging are covered by the VSTCentre.
Who can apply? Time allocation policy
For LPs, NPs, ToO and DDT: the Principal Investigator (PI) and at least half of the participants must be affiliated to an Italian Institution (INAF, Universities or other public Italian research institutes). Up to 50% of the total number of applicants might be scientists belonging to foreign institutions.
For the SP-young, the PI must be an Italian PhD student or a young post-doc (i.e., at the 1st post-doctoral fellowship or no more than 3 years from the PhD) affiliated to ANY Italian or foreign institution.
Proposals that do not fulfil the above requirements will not be evaluated by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC).
Proposal prepation & submission
To apply for the VST observing time
proposals shall be prepared in pdf, by using the template available at this link
all proposals must respect the anonymization rules as described in the Call for Proposals
proposals shall be submitted using the Google form available at this link
Please, consult this link to compute how many dark nights are available in the P3 cycle
Proposal evaluation
All the submitted proposals, received by the deadline, will be evaluated according to the following steps:
the proposed science only will be evaluated by reviewers who are experts in the science field declared by the PI. Reviewers are anonymous. The PIs (by default) and two to five CoIs for each proposal are asked to referee others VST proposals. In addition, scientists from the board of reviewers, are also involved into the review process for the VST proposals;
the feasibility of the observations will be reviewed by the team of astronomers who are serving the VST Centre;
the scores and reports provided by the two channels listed above will be delivered to the INAF TAC, which is in charge for the final ranking and evaluation.
Publications & Data Release
According to the Art.6 of the INAF-ESO agreement, PIs of the accepeted proposals are asked to consider the following rules:
publications based on VST data shall make the following statement: “Based on data collected with the INAF VST telescope at the ESO Paranal Observatory”
provide the processed VST images to the ESO science archive through the phase 3 facility, once the proprietary period is expired.