User support
Instructions & deadlines for the phase 2: preparing observations
The Observing blocks to execute VST observations need to be prepared with the ESO P2 tool. The tutorial for the OmegaCam@VST is available here.
The OmegaCam User and Template manual is available here.
Login into ESO P2 using your ESO USER PORTAL ACCOUNT
You should found the VST proposal as delegated, according to the ESO ID for your run provided here
Check the schedule for observing run at VST here
ALL OBs must be submitted by the deadline provided below. Any delay might affect the execution of your run.
Deadline for the OB submission
P2, Apr 1st - Sep 30rd, 2024: March 8th, 2024
Instruction for ToO Alert
Before 8 PM (CET)
Upon receiving an alert, PIs must email and promptly prepare the OB for observation. The program will be given the highest priority.
After 8 PM (CET)
Upon receiving an alert promptly prepare the OB for observation. A telephone number to contact will be provided to PIs.
Ongoing and Past Observations:
In the following pages, users can track the status of ongoing and past runs. The estimates are done on monthly basis, and are update every ~15 days.
Note: ESO’s communication systems were unavailable for part of May 2024 (P2) due to a cyber attack. As a result, VST observations could not always be carried out according to the schedule. More details in ESO network affected by cyber incident.
Data reduction calendar
VSTcen offers users periodic data reduction learning sessions at the INAF Observatory of Capodimonte. During these 3-day sessions, participants can familiarize with all the data reduction steps using Astro-WISE.
VST users interested in these learning sessions can check the available dates for upcoming sessions following this link and book a slot by contacting
Please note that an Astro-WISE account is required. If you plan to attend a data reduction learning session but do not have an account, please contact us at at least 2 weeks in advance. Additionally, you are required to provide a short acronym for the project, along with a brief description and the program ID.