Approved proposals VST P1
Approved proposals VST P1
The VST Schedule for P1: Oct 1st 2023 - 31st March 2024
The VST Schedule for P1: Oct 1st 2023 - 31st March 2024
Note: The schedule is done on the ranking that each proposal has received (shown in the above list), and on the requested constraints. Observations are executed in service mode. Except for the DvM or VM, Chilean time, and monitoring programs, nights are NOT assigned to a single observing run.
The list of runs for each night is also based on the ranking, so, the first listed is the "primary program" to be observed. OBs are picked from the others in the list for that night, just in case the OBs from the primary run are no longer observables.
The schedule is updated month by month, in order to eventually compensate those runs that got less time.