VST Science Workshop 2024

Bus Shuttle

During the days of the congress there will be a shuttle service TO and FROM the city center and the scheduled stops are as follows (see also this map):

Start from Porta Grande (Near the Observatory) - 1st stop: Tondo di Capodimonte (Princess Iolanda stairs, in front of the Grand Hotel Capodimonte) - end to: Entrance to the National Archaeological Museum

Start from: Entrance to the National Archaeological Museum - 1st stop: Tondo di Capodimonte (Princess Iolanda stairs, in front of the Grand Hotel Capodimonte) - end to: Porta Grande (Near the Observatory) 

Start from Porta Grande (Near the Observatory) - 1st stop: Tondo di Capodimonte (Princess Iolanda stairs, in front of the Grand Hotel Capodimonte) - end to: Entrance to the National Archaeological Museum

Start from: Entrance to the National Archaeological Museum - 1st stop: Tondo di Capodimonte (Princess Iolanda stairs, in front of the Grand Hotel Capodimonte) - end to: Porta Grande (Near the Observatory) 

Suggested accomodations

Hotels in Capodimonte 


Villa Capodimonte

Salita Moiariello, 16 - 80131 Napoli

ph +39 081459000

infovillacapodimonte@ gmail.com - info@ villacapodimonte.it



Grand Hotel Capodimonte

Via Capodimonte, 3 - 80131 Napoli

ph +39 0813653494

info@ grandhotelcapodimonte.it



B&B La Veduta

Salita Moiariello, 13 - 80131 Napoli

ph +39 0810335976

info@ beblaveduta.com



B&B Il Portoncino
Via Bosco di Capodimonte, 83 – 80131 Napoli
Tel. 081.7414006 - 393.8766568

Hotels Downtown

Culture Hotel Centro Storico

Via Monteoliveto, 15 - 80133 Napoli

ph +39 0815529435

info.centrostorico@ gmail.com



Hotel Costantinopoli 104

Via S. M. di Costantinopoli, 104 - 80133 Napoli

ph +39 0815571035

info@ costantinopoli104.it



Maison Degas Hotel

Calata Trinità Maggiore 53, (presso Piazza del Gesù Nuovo)

interno Palazzo Pignatelli di Monteleone, SCALA B, 3°piano - 80133 Napoli

ph +39 0810608252

info@ maisondegas.it



Hotel Ecumano
Vico Pallonetto Santa Chiara 17/18, 80134 Napoli
hotel@ ecumano.it
Tel 081.5802152


Hotel Mercure Napoli centro Angioino
Via A. Depretis 123
80133 – Napoli – ITA
T +39 (0)81 49 10 111